Geo Science and Petroleum Engineering

Seismic Data processing
Seismic data recorded in digital form by each channel of the recording instrument are represented by a time series. Processing algorithms are designed for and applied to either single channel time series, individually, or multichannel time series. By referring to the field data examples, we examine characteristics of the seismic signal primary reflections from layer boundaries and random and coherent noise such as multiple reflections, reverberations, linear noise associated with guided waves and point scatterers.

Seismic Interpretation
Simply defined, seismic interpretation is the science (and art) of inferring the geology at some depth from the processed seismic record. While modern multichannel data have increased the quantity and quality of interpretable data, proper interpretation still requires that the interpreter draw upon his or her geological understanding to pick the most likely interpretation from the many “valid” interpretations that the data allow.

Seismic Reservoir Characterization
Seismic reservoir characterization plays an essential role in integrated exploration and reservoir studies, as it provides our clients with an optimal understanding of the reservoir’s internal architecture and properties.

Geological Interpretation and Integration
Interpretation of geological data as a guide to the velocity variations which affect the seismic interpretation. By integrating all available geological and geophysical data - including seismic and well data - we are able to provide well constrained

Geomechanical Study
Geomechanics is a science dealing with the study of the behavior of rocks affected by stress. It has various applications in utilization from oil and gas reservoirs including of the wellbore stability analysis and determination of safe mud window.

Petroleum System Modeling, Basin Analysis and Geochemical Services
Basin and petroleum system modeling (BPSM) has evolved from a simple tool, used mainly to predict regional source rock thermal maturity, to become a critical component in the worldwide exploration programs of many national and international oil companies for both conventional and unconventional resources
Dynamic Reservoir Modeling

Services for Full Oil and Gas Field Studies
During the study first data gathering will be done and completed. After that QC of provided data interpretation will be done. By the end of the data review and QC, basic reservoir engineering including PVT analysis, Rock property analysis, DST interpretation and vertical well performance modeling will be performed.

Production Engineering Studies
The objective of a production engineering studies is optimizing the production, which means maximizing the oil production with minimum wastage and in minimum time with optimum use of available resources

Surface Facilities Engineering Analysis and Studies
The surface facility studies include the analysis and optimization of the following elements
Data Services

Production Services Platform (PSP)
Job design, Well-site support, data processing and interpretation

Formation pressure testing
From the measured data our experts develop information on formation fluid type, fluid density, fluid contact depths, and formation connectivity. Together with recovered fluid samples, these data provide crucial exploration and development information for oil and gas fields.

Fluid Sampling/Profiling/downhole fluid analysis
Fluid Sampling/Profiling/downhole fluid analysis performed during formation pressure testing. DCS engineer monitors the formation pressure testing results real time and proposes the proper points for fluid profiling. The formation fluid type determined during fluid

Stress testing/Mini-frac
Before job, DCS engineers analyzed available Image log and Petrophysics data and propose intervals to be conducted under stress testing. After finishing the job, the data processed and interpreted by DCS experts and the results presented and reported for client.

Well Testing Interpretation
In WSI the Well testing job designed according to client objectives and available well and reservoir data. The pressure results are monitored during the job real time (in the case of surface well testing jobs) and the design changed if it is needed to acquire more information about well, reservoir and boundary models. After finishing the job, the data processed

Noise log
n WSI the Noise log designed according to client objectives and available well data. After finishing the job, the data processed and interpreted by our experts and the results (leaks detection, locating any cross flows and flows behind casing, identification of production and injection intervals) presented and reported for client.

Fullsuite log analysis
In our conventional fullsuite, the saturation profile, effective and total porosity, lithology curves will be our products.

CMR interpretation
CMR is an advanced tool for determination of pore size distribution, permeability analysis, free fluid, bond fluid and capillary fluid porosity.

DSI interpretation
Compressional, shear and stoneley slownesses will be our very first products, which then will result in, the flexural wave analysis of the altered zone, as well as to formation anisotropy, whether intrinsic or stress-induced, fracture evaluation and stoneley permeability will be our final product

Cement Evaluation
Cement evaluation plays an important role for future of a well. Our experts will analyze, USIT and CBL-VDL to help our clients whether to squeeze cement or any remedial operation will be needed.

Borehole Geology
FMI, with 80% borehole coverage in 8-in boreholes and 0.2-in image resolution in the vertical and azimuthal directions, imaging with the FMI microimager is the preferred approach for determining net pay in laminated sediments of fluvial, turbidite and carbonate depositional environments.